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We are a long-standing company, based in the North West of Côte d'Ivoire, operating in the ginning of seed cotton and the marketing of its products.

Our activity promotes the development of farms and farmers’ organizations and contributes to improving the standard of living of rural communities.

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Our expertise

Agricultural Supervision

These activities consist mainly in the provision of agricultural and technical counseling to producers, the supply of agricultural inputs and equipment, the maintenance of cotton roads and the collection and transport of cotton from production sites to ginning factories.

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These activities are carried out within the framework of the Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) certification. Read more

Some key figures

AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 128 441 HECTARES of cotton planted for the 2022-2023 campaign 93 048 TONS of cotton purchased for the 2022-2023 campaign 23,98 BILLION FCFA of input loans granted for the 2022-2023 campaign 34 746 PRODUCERS for the 2022-2023 campaign 88,6% OF COTTON of first choice cotton during the 2022-2023 campaign3
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 39 205 TONS of cotton fiber produced during the 2022-2023 campaign 42,13% OF RETURN Cotton fiber yield during the 2022-2023 campaign 45 358 TONS of seed produced during the 2022-2023 campaign 48,78% OF RETURN Seed yield for the 2022-2023 campaign
HUMAN RESOURCES 495 PERMANENT EMPLOYEES including 7 % women 646 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Including 6% women

Our Commitments


From November 12 to 17, 2023, a delegation from Ivoire Coton...