Digitalization Project - IVOIRE COTON
Digitalization Project

In May 2022, Ivoire Coton launched a digitalization project aimed at:

  • Using digital technology to monitor agricultural operations;
  • Improving communication between Ivoire Coton advisers and cotton farmers;
  • And keeping a traceability of the cotton production.

An application named Digit Agri has been designed for this purpose and should be used by all the agricultural advisers as of the 2023/2024 campaign.

The digitalization project is partly supported by the Cotton4Impact project, implemented within the framework of the Sub-Saharan Cotton Initiative (SSCI) of the GIZ (German Cooperation).

Cotton4Impact has been implemented since November 01, 2021 by a consortium comprising Paul Reinhart (Switzerland), Alliance Ginneries Limited (Zambia and Tanzania) and Ivoire Coton (Ivory Coast).